Two of TEMcompany’s geoscanners, the tTEM and the sTEM, are featured in the 2023 Grundfos Foundation Annual Review.
The case study from Turkana County, formerly known as Rift Valley Province in Kenya, features the use of the tTEM and sTEM purchased by the Non-Profit Organization Water Mission. Both products are designed for groundwater mapping and are instrumental in identifying water-bearing structures.
A quote from the Annual Review highlights the practical benefits of the tTEM and sTEM in delivering fast, high-resolution data.
“On a good day of mapping with two crews of one to two members each, up to 60 km of the subsurface can be revealed by tTEM, achieving an unprecedented level of geological detail and maximising the chances of finding safe and abundant water supplies for the community”.
If you would like to read more of the case study, you can download the specific article below or read the whole Annual Review 2023 on the Grundfos Foundation website.