Managed aquifer recharge excess water is used to recharge the groundwater aquifers, has been proposed as a means of curbing groundwater depletion
Fractured Hard Rock
In areas with fractured hard rock there is still a large potential for looking for groundwater. In regions with fractured hard rock formations our geoscanners excel
Mapping Groundwater
In parts of the world with limited access to surface water, or where surface water is seasonal and/or contaminated, a groundwater solution could be to locate suitable aquifers
Exploring Rivers
In river areas there is an increasing demand for characterizing the hydrogeology underlying rivers and estuaries. Knowledge about the interaction between river water and the groundwater is important
Saltwater Intrusion
In coast-near areas, saltwater intrusion is a risk to freshwater aquifers. Our geoscanners are well suited for mapping saltwater boundaries both in areas prone to flooding or rising seawater, or affected by artificially lowered groundwater
Well Siting Hard Rock
Well siting in hard rock areas involves the selection of an appropriate location for drilling a well in areas where the subsurface is primarily composed of hard rock formations
Contamination – Locate Contaminated Areas and Protect Groundwater Resources
Contamination may occur in all parts of the world and is a problem that is hard to fight. With the different TEMcompany geoscanners its possible to map and assess subsurface contamination in soil and groundwater
Raw Materials
When it comes to raw materials it is important to focus on the exploration and assessment of the earth’s subsurface for the purpose of locating and characterizing raw materials
Weathered Bedrock
Understanding the properties and distribution of weathered bedrock is crucial for a wide range of applications, from construction and engineering to environmental assessments and resource exploration
Permafrost Mapping
When accessing remote and challenging terrains, such as areas that remains at or below freezing temperatures (0°C or 32°F) for more than two consecutive years it is essential for understanding its distribution