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Exploring Rivers

Understanding river systems

River system exploration involves studying rivers and their surrounding environments to understand their dynamics and interactions with the land. This includes:

  • Subsurface structure analysis: Mapping beneath and around the riverbed to identify geological formations.
  • Groundwater and surface water connections: Understanding how these systems interact within river basins.
  • River changes and sediment buildup: Tracking shifts in the river’s path, sediment deposition, and links to underground aquifers.

FloaTEM can be instrumental in river system exploration by:

  • Providing high-resolution imaging of subsurface features beneath rivers.
  • Identifying pathways for water exchange between rivers and aquifers.
  • Supporting environmental assessments and resource management by offering actionable insights into river dynamics.

FloaTEM makes river system exploration more precise, helping to address environmental challenges and manage water resources effectively.

Application of TEM geoscanners for river exploration

Why map river systems?

The benefits of using TEM methods for mapping rivers.

Understand River-Aquifer Connections

Track how water flows between rivers and aquifers, essential for managing water resources and protecting ecosystems.

Support Flood Management

Map river bank stability, subsurface permeability, and recharge zones to identify flood-prone areas.

Monitor Sedimentation and Erosion

Detect changes in sediment buildup or erosion to better manage the river’s impact on nearby areas.

Improve Water Quality and Supply

Pinpoint contamination risks and key groundwater-surface water exchange zones.

Plan Sustainable Projects

Provide critical data for designing infrastructure like dams or levees without harming the river or its surroundings.

How FloaTEM supports river exploration surveys

Shallow Subsurface Mapping

Ideal for studying sediments under the riverbed, shallow aquifers, and water-saturated zones in floodplains.

Quick, Large-Area Surveys

Its towed design makes it perfect for covering long stretches of riverbanks and floodplains efficiently.

Recharge & Discharge Zones

Helps locate areas where rivers recharge groundwater or receive inflows from aquifers.

Riverbed Permeability

Identifies permeable sediments beneath the river that affect water exchange between the river and aquifers.

Deeper Investigations

Identifies permeable sediments beneath the river that affect water exchange between the river and aquifers.

Structural Insights

Maps features like faults or fractures that affect groundwater-river interactions at greater depths.

Understanding River Morphology

Penetrates deep to uncover old channels and sedimentary deposits shaping the current river system.

TEMcompany's FloaTEM geoscanner in use on a lake.

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Hydrogeology below large surface water features

The U.S. Geological Survey and the HydroGeophysics Group, Aarhus University, describe the benefits of using FloaTEM in rivers. USGS has been utilizing the FloaTEM in several places, such as the Tallahatchie River, Eel River, Delaware River, and Rainbow Reservoir. Data was collected to achieve high-resolution information about subsurface geologic structures that can be used to delineate fresh-water/saline water contacts, delineate aquifer materials for water-resource investigations, and inform hydrogeologic models.

Insight from research papers

Innovative Research in Applied Geophysics

Characterizing the diverse hydrogeology underlying rivers and estuaries using new floating transient electromagnetic methodology (2020)

Technical note: Efficient imaging of hydrological units below lakes and fjords with a floating, transient electromagnetic (FloaTEM) system (2022)

High resolution 3D subsurface mapping using a towed transient electromagnetic system - tTEM: case studies (2020)


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