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Fractured Hard Rock

Understanding fractured hard rock

Fractured hard rock refers to rock types, such as granite or basalt, that have developed cracks or fractures due to various natural and human-induced processes, including:

  • Tectonic movements: Shifts in the Earth’s crust that create stress and fractures.
  • Weathering: Physical and chemical breakdown of rocks over time.
  • Drilling and excavation: Human activities that can induce fractures.

These fractures are critical for understanding because they:

  • Create pathways for groundwater flow: Allowing water to move through the subsurface.
  • Block or redirect water movement: Depending on the orientation and connectivity of the fractures.
  • Influence geophysical processes and the distribution of subsurface resources.

Mapping and analyzing fractured hard rock is essential for groundwater studies, resource exploration, and geotechnical applications. Tools like tTEM provide high-resolution imaging of these complex subsurface environments, enabling better decision-making for water management and resource development.

Benefits of mapping fractured hard rocks

Explore its significance in groundwater flow, resource extraction, and geotechnical stability

Identify Fracture Zones

Mapping fractures helps locate groundwater flow paths, avoid hazards, and improve resource extraction or water recharge.

Optimize Groundwater Recharge

In fractured aquifers, water often flows unpredictably. Knowing fracture networks ensures efficient design for managed aquifer recharge (MAR).

Improve Construction Safety

For tunnels, dams, or deep wells, knowing where fractures are located ensures safer, more stable designs.

TEMcompany's role in fractured hard rock imaging

Learn how our geophysical solutions enhance the detection and analysis of fractures in hard rock formations

Shallow Penetration & Speed

tTEM is perfect for mapping fractures and weathered layers in fractured hard rock over large areas, providing high-resolution images quickly over large areas.

Mobility & Versitility

Being hand held, the sTEM is highly adaptable, ideal for covering rugged terrain or areas with limited access.

Fast & Cost-Effective

With their rapid, non-invasive survey capabilities, both the tTEM and the sTEM are cost-effective for initial exploration and detailed assessments.

Deep Penetration

sTEM provides imaging of fractured rock formations, which is useful for investigating deeper fractures or the overall structure beneath the surface.

Comprehensive Data for Deeper Insights

The flexibility of its multiple coil combinations makes the sTEM suitable for mapping fractures in hard rock to various depths.

A tTEM geoscanner in use in Togo

Case study - Fractured Bedrock Boreholes in Togo

Siting boreholes in Togo – Fractured bedrock

A well-siting campaign was carried out in Togo in 2022 using tTEM which resulted in recommendations of multiple borehole sites. The survey was conducted by HydroGeophysics Group, Aarhus University together with local partners, with the purpose of resolving the geology and finding potential sites for drilling water giving boreholes. The tTEM results located a several fracture zones which resulted in very successful boreholes.

Insight from research papers

Innovative Research in Applied Geophysics

Characterizing the diverse hydrogeology underlying rivers and estuaries using new floating transient electromagnetic methodology (2020)

Technical note: Efficient imaging of hydrological units below lakes and fjords with a floating, transient electromagnetic (FloaTEM) system (2022)

High resolution 3D subsurface mapping using a towed transient electromagnetic system - tTEM: case studies (2020)


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